This exhibition serves as our tribute to tragic events since October 7th, reflecting on our feelings, experiences, and attempts to cope with grief. It's also a dialogue with the historically milestone exhibition "When Attitudes Become Form," curated by Harald Szeemann (1969). We aim to explore what art can be in times of terrible, when the border between art, life, and death becomes uncertain and flickering.
This is a contemporary art exhibition where you can find painting, sculpture, graphics, video and mixed media art created after 7.10 by more than 30 artists, but at the same time it is a memorial. We exposing here artworks dedicated to the memory of those whom we have irretrievably lost after Black Shabbat.
This is far from the first “after war” exhibition in Israel, it’s a long tradition here for the art as reflection of catastrophic reality. Well, sometimes it's hard and even impossible to see what true reality is, but artists can’t close their eyes.
So we invite you to reflect together and unite again, to feel each other, the art and the time.
This exhibition is connected with the international project #ArtistsStandWithIsrael which was launched by SVIVA art space and KakdelArt art communities. Within this framework, works from artists worldwide are projected since 17th october by galleries and volunteers to support Israel and show solidarity during the challenging times. So far more than 300 artists from 20 countries, including Israel, Canada, Poland, Ukraine, the USA, Slovakia, France, Russia, Great Britain, Taiwan, etc – have joined the project. These projections which you can see every Thursday and Saturday at 20:00 in different cities will also be showcased as part of the events program.
A part of art sales and donation for entrance from this show will be dedicated to Beeri
Gallery, destroyed by a HAMAS terrorist attack in Kibbutz Be'eri and other charity goals.
Curators: Kate Finkelstein, Eva Glazer
Organizers: SVIVA art space, KakdelArt
Producer: Artur Kir / Curator’s assistant: Grigoriy Tserkovsky / Art events coordinator: Milena Milovanova / Public program: Polina Ashina / Technical coordinators: Marie Noa, Michael Marushkin / Projections coordinator: Julia Goland / SMM: Polina Ashina and Aleksandr Demidov / Designer: Vera Konyashova, Kate Krasnikova / Installation: Kirill Radaev